Missing My people ....
Missing all my people .....
with whom .....I spill my dil ................
I can be myself .................
No false expressions .............
No false promises ...................
No obligations .....................
No hich kich ......
Comfortable with .....
Looong talking hours ….. but still have so much to tell ..............
Arguments but compromise at the end ..............
Complete silence but some kind of satisfaction that u hv shared smthing.......
Smile that gives u strength..........
Hand that holds you when u are about to fall..........
Head that thinks when u are blank ...
Gives u suggestions when u are thinking on wrong side ....
Shows u light when all u can see is darkness ahead .....
Can make me feeel at the top of the world...
Can make me feel safe ............
Makes me feel wanted ...
Gives me some reasons to look forward in the coming days ....
To all My people .... who are away from me but still keep up my spirits ........
Wish I cud be with you !! :(